Can Guppies And Zebra Danios Live Together?

Guppies and zebra danios are popular low-maintenance pet fish. Can these fish species live in the same community fish tank?

Guppies and zebra danios can live together. A range of water parameters is suitable for both species and their personalities are compatible, if the aquarium provides ample room for swimming, rest, and hiding. Small schools of guppies and zebra danios need about 20 gallons (74 liters) of water to accommodate both species.

Optimal Conditions for Guppies and Zebra Danios

ParameterGuppiesZebra Danios
Temperature 72-82°F (22-28°C)64-77°F (18-25°C)
pH 6.8-7.87.0-7.8
General hardness 8-12 dGH (143-215 ppm)4-15 dGH (72-269 ppm)
Space 10 gallons (37L) for 6-810 gallons (37L) for 6-8
Stillnessfast-moving water is fine in some areas but requires some still areas for rest need still or slowly-moving water

As you can see, the water quality parameters suitable for zebrafish and guppies overlap.

Maintaining the following water conditions in your aquarium provides optimal water conditions for both Zebra danios and guppies:

  • Keep your fish in an aquarium of at least 20 gallons (72L)
  • Temperature 72-77°F (22-25°C)
  • pH 7-7.8
  • General hardness 8-12 dGH (143-215 ppm)
  • Although guppies do well in fast-moving waters, slow-moving or still water is optimal because Danios and guppies tolerate that.

It is worth noting that Zebra danios and guppies like to swim and eat in the mid to upper part of the tank, so they need plenty of swimming space. A wide and relatively shallow tank is better than a narrow deep tank.

Do Guppies and Zebra Danios Get Along?

Zebra danios are peaceful, active fish. They get along with other amicable species of fish but need plenty of hiding areas for rest.

Zebra danios are known to nip others’ fins, especially long, luxurious fins and tails. Simple guppies are a better match for zebra danios, while fancy guppies with their long fins are more likely to become the targets of guppies.

Most of the time, Zebra danios leave guppies alone, as long as there is plenty of room available and there are spots to hide if needed.

As for guppies, they are a friendly species, although there could be some behavioral outbursts during feeding time or if the guppies is ready to mate.

In general, guppies and Zebrafish get along well in the right set of conditions.

How to Keep Zebra Danios and Guppies Happy in the Same Tank

Provide a Large Tank

If the tank has sufficient decorations and plants to provide good hideout spots for your fish, a 15-gallon (57-liter) aquarium could be fine. It might work particularly if you keep smaller schools of fish – four specimens of each kind.

Vertical space is not as important as horizontal space.

Larger tanks serve as buffers against changes in the environment. A temperature change would appear more gradual if the volume of water is larger, for example.

Keep the Ratio of Guppes and Zebra Danios About 1:1

It is important to keep schools of about equal numbers: for example, 5 guppies to 5 Zebra danios would be appropriate.

As for male-to-female ratios, avoid placing too many males of either type of fish. One male for 2-4 females of the same species is usually a good number.

Keep the Tank Environment Stable

Any change, especially sudden, is a stressor for fish, even if it is still within the appropriate temperature range, acidity, and other parameters.

An advantage of having a heater is that it allows keeping the temperature constant, which is beneficial for the fish.

A stable environment is essential to minimize aggression, restlessness, and fin-nipping behavior, and keep your fish healthy.

Provide Plenty of Hiding Places

Most fish need to rest in sheltered areas, without bright light and away from motion. Decorations, as long as they are not excessive, serve as excellent hideout spots. You can use fake or real plants and plastic decorations.

Items in the tank diffuse water movement, which is especially important for zebra danios.

Provide Proper Nutrition

Both fish are omnivores and it is important to feed them enough but not too much, and provide a variety of food, including meat-based options.

You can feed the two groups simultaneously, offering them food in different areas of the aquarium.

To Sum Up

Zebra danios and guppies are highly compatible and do very well as tank mates. However, it is essential to pick the range of water parameters appropriate for both species. Zebrafish on their own do not require a heater for the aquarium but you should install one to keep the guppies warm enough.

Providing an optimal environment for both minimizes behavioral issues.

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