Can Dwarf Gourami Live with Guppies?

Choosing the right tank mates is so important for a peaceful community aquarium. Can guppies and dwarf gouramis live in one tank?

Dwarf gourami and guppies can live together. They thrive in similar water parameters and get along well in the right conditions. Gourami males are territorial, so avoid keeping more than one male with guppies. A solo male dwarf gourami or a school of female dwarf gouramis and guppies would do well in a 10+ gallon aquarium.

Guppies and Dwarf Gourami: Water Parameters

Guppies and dwarf gourami prefer similar water conditions, which makes them suitable tankmates.

ParameterDwarf gouramiGuppies
Temperature72-82°F (22-28°C)72-82°F (22-28°C)
General hardness4-8 dGH (72-145 ppm)8-12 dGH (145-215 ppm)
Flowslow flow, well-oxygenatedslow-moving, calm water, well-oxygenated
  • Change about 10% of the water weekly or 25% every other week.
  • The ideal temperature range for guppies and dwarf gourami is the same: 72-82°F (22-28°C).
  • Keeping pH between 7 and 7.8 would make both species happy.
  • A general hardness of around 8 dGH (145 ppm) is appropriate for both species.

Guppies and gourami prefer slow-moving, well-oxygenated water. Both appreciate plants or decorations to diffuse water flow and provide hiding and testing spots.

Guppy to Dwarf Gourami Ratio And Tank Size

A 10-gallon tank can keep a solo male and a small school of guppies (4-6 fish) and provide sufficient room for both species.

It is possible to keep a small school of female dwarf gouramis and a school of guppies. A 10-gallon aquarium is the minimum size for such a fish community but 15-gallon and larger would be ideal volume.

Guppies and dwarf gouramis dwell in the mid to top sections of the aquarium, so having a tank with a large surface area is important. It is more important than the depth of the tank.

Can Dwarf Gourami And Guppies Get Along?

First, it is worth noting that dwarf gouramis are good tankmates for guppies but regular gourami fish might be too large.

Dwarf gourami do not usually grow past 2.5 in (5 cm), so they do not outsize the little guppies that much, although they will eat their juveniles. Regular gouramis grow almost three times larger than dwarf gouramis, so they can nip and even swallow guppies unintentionally.

Dwarf gourami males are relatively aggressive and territorial. They do not do well together but a solo male can generally get along with a small school of female gouramis.

Guppies can live peacefully with one male dwarf gourami or a small school of female gouramis.

Gouramis are slow fish, while guppies are friendly and quick. So guppies stay out of gourami’s way and can evade gourami if needed.

It is important to have a tank that provides ample surface area since gouramis and guppies are surface-dwelling and surface-feeding species.

As we discussed previously, decorations and live plants are important for aquariums. Specifically, they allow fish to rest and hide when needed. Decorations also diffuse water movement, which is important for species that like slow flow, including guppies and gourami.

Can Guppies and Dwarf Gouramis Eat Each Other’s Food?

Guppies and dwarf gouramis have similar nutritional needs and preferences. They are omnivores and they eat at the top of the tank.

It is important to ensure that guppies get some food and that the gourami does not eat most of it. Despite the difference in size, guppies are quick and can pick a good portion of the food but it is good to observe to confirm that all tankmates get something to eat.

Will Gourami Eat Guppies and Guppy Fry?

Dwarf gourami and other gourami kinds do not eat grown guppies. The two species will coexist happily if the tank provides appropriate space and optimal water conditions.

Gourami will consume guppy fry and other species’ fry, so breeding guppies in the same aquarium with gourami fish without separating the fry and juveniles from gourami would not be possible.

Related Question:

Will Gourami Eat Cherry Shrimp?

Generally, gourami fish eat red cherry shrimp.

A spacious aquarium with decorations and plants could provide the environment that would make it possible for gourami and cherry shrimp to coexist. Establishing the shrimp first and then adding gourami can also help maintain their numbers even in the presence of gourami.

As a rule, however, gourami will view shrimp as a food source.

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